1. 合适的地方添加一个子线程
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector: @selector(newThreadProcess)
toTarget: self
withObject: nil];
2. 添加监控方法
- (void)newThreadProcess
@autoreleasepool {
NSRunLoop *mainLoop = [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop];
NSRunLoop* myRunLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop];
//设置Run loop observer的运行环境
CFRunLoopObserverContext context = {0,(__bridge void *)(self),NULL,NULL,NULL};
//创建Run loop observer对象
//第三个参数用于标识该observer是在第一次进入runloop时执行还是每次进入run loop处理时均执行
CFRunLoopObserverRef observer =CFRunLoopObserverCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,kCFRunLoopAllActivities, YES, 0, &myRunLoopObserver, &context);
CFRunLoopRef cfRunLoop = [mainLoop getCFRunLoop];
CFRunLoopAddObserver(cfRunLoop, observer, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
[myRunLoop runUntilDate:[NSDate distantFuture]];
3. 监控方法
void myRunLoopObserver(CFRunLoopObserverRef observer,CFRunLoopActivity activity,void *info)
switch (activity) {
//The entrance of the run loop, before entering the event processing loop.
//This activity occurs once for each callto CFRunLoopRun and CFRunLoopRunInMode
case kCFRunLoopEntry:
NSLog(@"run loop entry");
//Inside the event processing loop before any timers are processed
case kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers:
NSLog(@"run loop before timers");
//Inside the event processing loop before any sources are processed
case kCFRunLoopBeforeSources:
NSLog(@"run loop before sources");
//Inside the event processing loop before the run loop sleeps, waiting for a source or timer to fire.
//This activity does not occur ifCFRunLoopRunInMode is called with a timeout of 0 seconds.
//It also does not occur in a particulariteration of the event processing loop if a version 0 source fires
case kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting:
NSLog(@"run loop before waiting");
//Inside the event processing loop after the run loop wakes up, but before processing the event that woke it up.
//This activity occurs only if the run loopdid in fact go to sleep during the current loop
case kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting:
NSLog(@"run loop after waiting");
//The exit of the run loop, after exiting the event processing loop.
//This activity occurs once for each callto CFRunLoopRun and CFRunLoopRunInMode
case kCFRunLoopExit:
NSLog(@"run loop exit");
A combination of all the precedingstages
case kCFRunLoopAllActivities: